1. I do recycle, even though it's a long trip down our driveway with the bin
2. (unrelated to this post) I hate the phrase "Living Green," especially when used in hotels and motels who don't want to wash your sheets. They urge us to save the planet even if we went to bed, as I often do, with Argan oil all over my toes.
Presently, Marie and I are staying in a rental cottage in in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin, with all four cats. It's an older cabin with a charming juxtaposition of rustic and state of the art amenities (jacuzzi, skylights, wi-fi, Sirius), and best of all, it allows pets. It has taken Marie and me years to find a place in Door county where we could bring our cats after the Shallows changed ownership. This place is cat heaven.
But this place is Garbage Hell.
This is too much for my head.
1. Plastic/Cans/Glass--Do I have to rinse out the cat food cans first? I don't. In they go. I get the plastic and glass. But why isn't there a place designated for paper recyclables?
2. Garbage Only- what does that mean? What do you do with dead batteries? Paper products? Milk cartons? Discarded Jamberry nail wraps?
3. Under The Sink---is this where you put the little bags (tied shut, of course) after cleaning clumping cat litter? The litter is organic, but the bags aren't. What are we going to do on the last day before we leave? I suppose we could take both bags to the woods, turn them upside down and give the contents the heave-ho, and bring the bags back inside for Can #1.
4. Can I put banana peels in the "compost" one? I haven't done so. And can I put the wet coffee grounds in there along with the filter, or do I have to dump them out of the filter and throw the filter elsewhere? This sign was not made for you and me.
5. Last, but not least, what do we do when we want to take ALL the trash out? Or do we? When all else fails, I'd better reread the instructions.
Having a wonderful time, though!