My rating: 4 of 5 stars
REVIEW of The Light We Lost, written May, 2017 (Spoilers)
I stayed up all night and finished The Light We Lost by Jill Santopolo. It was written in exactly my style - first person, in "journal" format, sequential, and heartrending. I want to write a book just like that, in the same style! The story broke my heart, but - in the end - I think that both of the men were jerks in their own ways. #1; the one she loved passionately; chose to to leave her, follow his bliss, womanize, travel all over the world, risk his life in the Middle East, and deal her crumbs in the forms of emails, surprise phone calls, and appearances at inopportune moments. #2, .the guy she ended up marrying, was a control freak who never let her in on ANY decisions - he even bought and closed on a HOUSE without running it by her! And she thought he was cheating on her - only to find out that the mysterious "Linda" on his cell phone was the Realtor. Ugh. But when I finished the book, I suspected she'd go back to hubby (aka #2), because they had two (soon three) children - I think you can guess about the paternity of child #3 and the fate of Guy #1, but I won't spoil it. LOL.
I think she should have stuck with Guy #1. Doubt anyone would agree, but it would have changed the course of events.for both of them. I would love to think that they are living their lives in bliss. But it's just a book, and that scenario would have made for a weak ending. “Such is life,” sighs this incurable romantic.
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