OK. I'm done. Jeff Sessions is ANTI-CIVIL RIGHTS. I tried being gracious and even posting to individuals' Facebook pages that I was sick of all the negativity, and that we should all unite. How can we unite in peace and hope? This is my tipping point. I can't. Not any more. I'm too bold and outspoken and opinionated to force myself to subdue my personality. What is happening to our country is so vile, so unspeakably demonic, so viscerally terrifying that I can no longer abide by what Hillary Clinton suggested in her concession speech: that we must accept that Donald Trump will be our president, and that we must give him a chance. He is showing that he is a mentally unbalanced, narcissistic, shallow and evil carnival huckster who has managed to hypnotize a large portion of our population. He is vomiting his hate into every valley and every river and every mountain in this land that I love. I can't leave the country. I'm 66 years old and my entire body is racked with arthritis to the point where I can't sleep. I can't go out and march and demonstrate; I have days when I can barely walk. What can seniors do? Where are the college students - where are the young, passionate, bright shining stars who will stand up and fight? Because posting on Facebook won't do it. When I talk to my closet friends, I'm preaching to a choir who knows the notes much better than I do and, like me, lack the physical energy to even think about the subject, much less go out there and be activists.. Some have chosen to retreat; I respect that, because a human being can just take so much before they reach the magic number 7 plus or minus 2. I woke up this morning with "Do you hear the people sing" playing in my head. Will it come to that? Will I live to see the wreckage---probably. Will I live to see the healing? I doubt it. All I have are my words. From now on, even though I realize I'll be unfriended, I'm going to be open about the wretched way I feel about the atrocities that are being visited upon our country after this nightmarish election. I can't suck it up and I won't. To all my friends who've had to read my cloying, pompous scoldings about how we should all "unite and be as one people," I give my heartfelt amend. Those who support Trump and what he has already begun to do to dismantle the country I love have no problem expressing their opinions here.So I shall express mine too. This isn't about Hillary Clinton, nor Democrats, nor Republicans any more.(I could have lived with a Mitt Romney presidency). But I cannot and WILL NOT accept the situation we're in, and I can't just sit in my recliner and weep. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN? Will there be an outright rebellion - a revolution? Is this the end of the United States of America? It feels, to me, like the end of the world.
Well said. Repent, ye sinners, for the end of the world is nigh.