There are many ways to keep a journal; here is one: Either buy a supply of cardboard-covered composition books or go to EBay and search under "blank books" or "blank journals." Buy them in bulk and don't worry about the covers! Then, stop at a fabric store and buy quarter-yards of the most beautiful, magical batik or otherwise sensuous fabric you can find. Invest in a couple pairs of artistic edging scissors and some pretty paper. Add a big UHU glue stick and some purple pens...or any type of writing instrument that makes your handwriting flow and dance on the page. Finally, find some stamp pads and some rubber stamps that inspire you. I have one that says "Journal" in calligraphy, and some multi-sided Celtic designs, and cat stamps, and a fairy goddess in long, swooping skirts, and a crescent moon... At home, lay an open journal over a length of cloth and cut around the book, leaving about an inch all around. Lift the book and slather it with glue. Carefully press the fabric around, paying attention to the spine. Inside the covers of the book, miter the corners, cut and glue. Cut a piece of decorative paper and glue it to each inside cover to give a finished look. The first couple of times you try this it might be somewhat messy, unless your craftsmanship and patience are a lot better than mine... Now, the real fun begins. Decorate your title page. You might want to create a special vacation journal, or a chronicle of getting clean and sober, or perhaps a coming-of-age or change-of-life theme, or perchance a daily companion for jotting down everything from essays to rants - from dreams to poems - from shopping lists to observations of people around you to stream-of-consciousness meanderings. You may want to glue a special picture on the title page. Let your imagination run wild! Finally, cut about a quarter of an inch off the edge of the first page with your scalloping scissors, and glue a strip of fabric on the second page that will show when you open your book to Page 1. I number my journals. Since 1990 I've filled over 300 of these little blank books. You will find your own ways and I hope you will share them with me. Indulge and enjoy!
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