Thursday, March 6, 2014


Some days are just too good to deserve. Today is one of those. From the moment I got up, things have been amazing and surprising. Probably the first one of these miracles is that I didn't sleep until noon. No alarm clock woke me, either. Very rare occasion.

Then, at a meeting, a friend gave me this beautiful amulet that belonged to her grandmother. I photographed it on top of my journal. What a treasure! All I can do is pay it forward - I have no idea what moved her to pass it on to me. I love it.

Then, I went to my appointment to get a prescription for generic Adderall. I began taking it today. No bad side effects, and Blue Cross Blue Shield gave me no hassles about the XR (extended release) version. I had no idea, by the way, that that drug is a Schedule 2 controlled substance, and because of this you must present a written paper prescription once a month to a faxes and no refills and no phone calls allowed. It's fine with me. No longer will I have to use twice the amount of brain power as normal people do in order to focus. I can't even comprehend what that will like.
After this, Marie and I went to visit a dear friend of ours who is close to my mother's age. She was in a horrific car accident three months ago, and the fact that she even survived at all is beyond belief. She is in a rehab facility, and we when went to physical therapy today with this wonderful 85-year-old lady, we marveled at her intact sense of humor, incredible bravery and upbeat personality. I have no doubt that in three more months, she'll be coming to the retirees' lunches again, making us all laugh and once more joining in on all the gossip.
I took Marie out for Italian beef sandwiches and we came home to relax - I changed into sweats and lo and behold,  I found my cotton knit Acorn slipper socks! I'd forgotten that I'd even had them.  As far as I know, you can't get those any more unless they're made of wool. My toes are tappin'---and warm!
And, in half an hour, I get to talk to Paul!
Is this too good to be true? Am I going to crash and burn?
I don't think so. I feel calm.


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